About cover 1
Why Naturedesign

A sense of responsibility intended as a commitment to the environment.

The perpetual ambition towards the research of aesthetic harmony, with a great sense of care for processing, materials and people.

Home legno 1

Siamo i soli ad utilizzare un legno secolare che permette di non abbattere gli alberi per costruire mobili.

La patina creata dall’esposizione alle intemperie per centinaia di anni crea un gioco di luci tra gli avvallamenti e le irregolarità del materiale. Permette di costruire prodotti in legno senza abbattere alcun albero.

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About copertina 2

Made in Italy

Thanks to the excellent italian workers and productive districts we can use the best construction techniques and the best materials in the world.
All exclusively made in Italy.

The conscious construction thanks to an accurate industrial design that does not compromise on quality, allows to have an easily repairable product with a nearly eternal cycle of use.

Materiali cta responsabilita 1

We protect nature by taking care of its treasures.We make products that reflect time.

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We make products that reflect time.

Naturedesign logo 23
Viale del lavoro, 1 - Cerea - Verona, Italy
(+39) 0442 321236